Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Will Always Be HERE & THERE

I WILL BE HERE at TCAF setting up my wares. All sorts of new books, COMICS and novelty comix.

UPPERCASE Magazine for it's 29th issue had an open call to artists that incorporated cutting and/or folding into their practice and I thought I might just fit in perfectly as I am always cutting and folding paper and card stock to make my books and novelty items. So I sent off a number of my recent projects and out of 555 submissions I was one of the 1/5th of acceptances into that issue. It's a fantastic issue! 

***********  30  YEARS  AGO  ***********

HOLY CROW, my first mini comic is 30 years old this year! It almost passed me by as I had not thought about it much lately. But I did remember and on the occasion printed some new copies that I will be taking to TCAF. It was originally published by Jeff Gaither in February 1986 out of Kentucky through his Dark Horse imprint. This comic actually, unbeknowst to me has the first appearance of Acid Man who would come into his own in the continuing Acid Man Society books and novelties.

Also, anybody have any extra cash? Please donate to a worthwhile artist who does not get enough time to do what he was gifted to do. Thanx for being here.