Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Right Braining

     One of my least all time favorite things I like to do is draw. For being an artist, I'm not sure if that is a good thing. In fact it isn't a good thing. I think everyone should engage in the act of drawing. It's simple really and requires next to no art supplies.....a bic pen or a stub of a pencil. I think it is important to draw because it engages your mind in the world around you and allows for some critical right brain hemisphere touchy-feely-spacial associations that are so much lacking in a lot of people. I pretty much have to force myself to draw. 
    Ah, but then there is my favorite way to draw..... through doodling. This way of drawing opens up your untapped right hemisphere as well as your heart. These drawings I have here are some of the hundreds that I have done over the years that show what I draw when I am on the phone talking to friends of mine. Because I am concentrating my effors in listening to the conversation I am not as aware of what I lay down with the pencil. I'm looking but I am not controlling. My drawings have evolved over the years to a form of language containing the symbols of beings or people that I believe mirror the movements and actions of my relationships and communications with my friends and my self.